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Василев А. Д., В. М. Маринова, А, Н. Кръстев, 1996. Методика и апаратура за изследване топлинния поток на шелфа. Списание на Съюз на учените Варна, 24 (1), 40-44.
Маринова В.., А. Василев, А. Кръстев, 1996. Буксируем термометър за определяне температурата на придънните води - термотрал. Конференция: "Водните и енергийни ресурси и технологии за тяхното оползотворяване", Варна, 20.10.95.
Vassilev A., V. Marinova, D. Parlichev, 1996. A gravity corer for on-board measuring terrestrial heat flow trough the ocean floor. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Marine Industry MARIND ’96 (ed. P. Bogdanov), Vol. 3, 369-371.
Vassilev A. D., 1996. Temperature depression over deep positive structure “Yuriy Godin” (Offshore Bulgaria) – possible shallow gas influense. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference Gas in Marine Sediments, 28-30 Sep, Varna. Bulgaria, 3 pages.
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Vassilev A., 1997. Results of on-board geothermal measurements above anticline structure “Yuriy Godin”. Comptes Rendus d'Academie des Sciences Bul., 50 (5), 33 - 36.
Vassilev A., 1998. Mathematical model of a method for on-board geothermal measurements. Comptes Rendus d'Academie des Sciences Bul., 50 (6), 25 - 28.
Vassilev A, 1998. The Black Sea natural gas release history: comparison with potential gas pipelines damages. Symposium: Environmental Aspects of Exploration, Production and Transportation of Oil and Gas in and through the Black Sea, 15-19 Mar. 1998, Varna, Bulgaria.
Vassilev, Atanas D., 1998. Quantitative estimation of natural gas release history in the Black Sea. Absrtacts & Guide Book: V International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments” (ed. Curzi P. and A. Judd), Bologna (Italy), 129-131.
Vassilev A, 1999. Contribution to Atmosphere Hydrocarbons from the Black Sea thermogenic gases. International Conference, "Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea, 23-26 Feb., Athens, Greece.
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Vassilev, Atanas, 2000. Contribution to Atmosphere Hydrocarbons from Black Sea Thermogenic Gases during the Basin Evolution. Proceedings of the Third National Geophysical Conference, SP3-1, 57-59.
Vassilev, A., L. Dimitrov, 2000. Spatial and quantity evaluation of methane hydrates in the Black Sea. Proceedings of the 6th Conf. "Gas in Marine Sediments", St. Petersburg, Russia.
Dimitrov, L., A. Vassilev, 2001. Two deep breaths of the Black Sea clathrates during the last 18,000 years; are they really happened? EGS XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France (SE9.02 Marine geophysics: Investigations on gas hydrates)
Dimitrov, L., Vassilev A., 2001. Black Sea Methane Hydrates - How Many They Are. European Union of Geosciences: International Conference EUG XI, Symposium: Clathrates, climate, and carbon budget: 1. Accumulation and destabilisation of natural gas hydrate systems: dynamic carbon reservoirs at the Earth's surface, 8-12 Apr., Strasbourg, France.
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Василев А., Л. Димитров, 2002. Оценка пространственного распределения и запасов газогидратов в Черном море. Геология и геофизика, Новосибирск, СО РАН, т. 43, № 7, 672-684
Vassilev, A., 2002. Bulgarian Black Sea Continental Slope -Oil and Gas Potential of the Cenozoic Sequence (Cited in:;
Dimitrov L., A. Vassilev, 2003. Black Sea gas seepage and venting structures and their contribution to atmospheric methane (in English and Bulgarian). Proceedings of Jubilee International Scientific Session 50 years UMG ”St. Ivan Rilski”, 14-16 May 2003 Sofia.
Vassilev, A., L. Dimitrov, 2003. Bulgarian National Program for Gas Hydrates Research (in English and Bulgarian). Proceedings of Jubilee International Scientific Session 50 years UMG ”St. Ivan Rilski”, 14-16 May 2003 Sofia, Bulgaria.
Vassilev, A., 2003. Bulgarian Black Sea Oil & Gas - Common Myths & Uncommon Facts (in English and Bulgarian). Proceedings of Jubilee International Scientific Session 50 years UMG ”St. Ivan Rilski”, 14-16 May 2003 Sofia, Bulgaria.
Vassilev, A., L. Dimitrov, 2003. Model evaluation of the Black Sea gas hydrates. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 56, No. 3, 15-19
Vassilev, A., 2003. Black Sea Basin: 65 Million Years Methane Breath. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 56, No. 3, 9-14.
Василев А., 2005. Подводно разтоварване на води. Бюлетин на Националната Океанографска Комисия, 1, 20-25.
Poort J., A. Vassilev, L. Dimitrov, 2005. Did postglacial catastrophic flooding trigger massive changes in the Black Sea gas hydrate reservoir? Terra Nova, 17 (2), 135–140 (Cited in: 1. Lieven N., J. Greinert., Y. Artemov., P. Staelens., J. Poort., P. Van Rensbergen., Marc De Batist, 2006. Geological and morphological setting of 2778 methane seeps in the Dnepr paleo-delta, northwestern Black Sea. Marine Geology 227. 177– 199. 2. Schmale, Oliver, 2006. Submarine methane seepage in the paleo Dnepr area and Sorokin Trough and its influence on the Black Sea methane budget. Dissertation, Christian-Albrechts-Universitat, Kiel 3. Poort J., R. I. Kutas, J. Klerkx, S. E. Beaubien, S. Lombardi, L. Dimitrov, A. Vassilev, L. Naudts, 2007. Strong heat flow variability in an active shallow gas environment, Dnepr palaeo-delta, Black Sea. Geo-Marine Letters 27:2-4, 185.
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J. Poort, R. Kutas, A. Vassilev, L. Dimitrov, J. Vercruysse. Geothermal measurements. CRIMEA'2004-CruiseReport.pdf, 63-69.
Poort J., V. Kaulio, N. Kaul, J-P Foucher, R. Kutas, A. Vassilev, 2005. Mud Volcanos, Seeps and Gas Hydrates: The Thermal Signals. VIII International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 5-10 Sep. 2005, Vigo, Spain, 9.
Poort J., R. Kutas, A. Vassilev, J. Klerkx, 2005. Heat Flow Variability in the Seep Dominated Northern Margin of the Black Sea. VIII International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 5-10 Sep. 2005, Vigo, Spain, 128.
Vassilev A., 2005. 4D Geothermal Structure – the Fate of Gas Hydrates and Gas Seepages. VIII International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 5-10 Sep. 2005, Vigo, Spain, 150-151.
Vassilev A., 2005. Gas Hydrates as Sources of Huge Methane Seepages (Dnepr Paleodelta, Black Sea). VIII International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 5-10 Sep. 2005, Vigo, Spain, 156-157.
Dimitrov L., R. Stoyanova, A. Vassilev, N. Marinkova, 2005. Gas Hydrate Distribution and Mud Volcano Activity in the Sorokin Trough, Black Sea. VIII International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 5-10 Sep. 2005, Vigo, Spain, 167.
Vassilev A., 2005. Dvurecheskii, Black Sea: Gas Hydrates and Mud Volcano’s Energy Budget. VIII International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 5-10 Sep. 2005, Vigo, Spain, 172.
Vassilev, A., 2006. Optimistic and Pessimistic Model Assessments of the Black Sea Gas Hydrates. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 59, No. 5, 543-550 (Cited in:
Василев А., 2006. Национална програма за газови хидрати: “за” и ” против”. Бюлетин на Националната Океанографска Комисия, 3, 12-16.
Василев А., 2006. Национална програма за газови хидрати: “за” и ” против”. Морски свят, 11, 2006, 34-36 (Препечатана от Бюлетин на НОК).
Vassilev A., Botev E., Hristova R.,2006. Dvurechenskii Mud Volcano, Black Sea: Long Term Activity from Sedimentation, Seismicity and Tsunami Data. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 59, No. 11, 1181-1186.
Poort J., R. I. Kutas, J. Klerkx, S. E. Beaubien, S. Lombardi, L. Dimitrov, A. Vassilev, L. Naudts, 2007. Strong heat flow variability in an active shallow gas environment, Dnepr palaeo-delta, Black Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 27:2-4, 185. DOI 10.1007/s00367-007-0072-4.