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Димитров П.С. 2000. Геокатастрофалните явления на границата холоцен - плейстоцен в Черно море, потопът и древните митове. Археологическа конференция - "2000:Приносът на българите в световната цивилизация", София, октомври, 2000.
Dimitrov P.S., Torre F., Anognostous Ch., Leuricoulais N., Cagatay N., Shnyukov E., Panin N. (2000). Geoarcheology - Gefmorfologia applikata all'archeologia - "Correlation of geological, climatic and Historical Events in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov" - Ed. ABACO - Rimini - "Archeologia delle acgue".
Torre F., Petko Dimitrov. (2001). "Geomorphology and archaeology studies for the reconstruction of the climatic variation during Quaternary in Sicily and in the Black Sea". - Ed. ABACO - "Archeologia delle acque" (in corso dipubblicazione - Giugno 2001).
Petko Dimitrov, Dimitar Dimitrov, Ivan Genov. ( 2001). Nontraditional energy resources from the bottom of the black sea. International conference Marind'2001- Varna.
Petko Dimitrov, Delcho Solakov, Preslav Peev, Krasimira Slavova. (2001). Principles and criteria for appraisal and guard or culturally - historic heritage with the bottom of the black sea.. International conference, Marind'2001- Varna.
Petko Dimitrov. (2001). Black sea, the flood and bible legends. International conference, Marind'2001- Varna.
Petko Dimitrov, Peter Vasilev. 2001. Black sea bottom sapropel deposits and technologies for mining, International conference, Marind'2001-Varna.
Torre F., Petko Dimitrov. (2001). "Geomorphology and archaeology studies for the reconstruction of the climatic variation during Quaternary in Sicily and in the Black Sea". - Ed. ABACO - "Archeologia delle acque" (in corso dipubblicazione - Giugno 2001).
Dimitrov, P.S., F. Torre, D.P. Solakov. (2002). The physico-oceanographic features of the Black sea, In: "Archeologia Delle Acque". Ed. "ABACO". taly
Експедиционна дейност: Участвал в научни експедиции в Тихи океан, Атлантически океан и Черно и Средиземно морета.