National projects
2020 – 2023 An ecosystem approach for assessing the biodiversity and the state of populations of key fish species from the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, Contract КП-06-ПН-41/2, SRF „Competition for financial support for basic research projects– 2020”, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov

2019-2023 National Science Program “Environmental Protection and Reduction of Risks of Adverse Events and Natural Disasters”, Contract № Д01-322/18.12.2019, MES, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva

2018-2023 National Geoinformation Center for monitoring, evaluation and forecasting of natural and anthropogenic risks and disasters, National Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructure 2017-2023, Contract ДО1-161/28.08.2018; ДО1-282/17.12.2019, MES, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva
2018-2020 Study of the consequences of strong earthquakes in the coastal zones of Bulgaria and the Taman Peninsula – Western Caucasus (according to historical, archaeological and paleoseismological data) in order to reassess the seismic hazard of these regions, Contract № ДНТС/Russia 02/20, Bilateral cooperation agreement between Bulgaria and Russia (NSF), Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orlin Dimitrov
2020-2022 Pelagic trawl survey research of pelagic species in Bulgarian marine area, with target species: sprat, anchovy, horse mackerel, red mullet, whiting and picked dogfish, Contract № 196/10/12/2019, EAFA – Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov
2020-2022 Biological monitoring landings of commercially important species, Contract № 197/10/12/2019, EAFA – Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Coordinators Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Yankova and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov
2019-2022 Marine benthic diatoms as a tool for assessment of anthropogenic pressure in coastal areas of the Black Sea, Contract № КП-06-Н31/9, 11.12.2019, NSF, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ralitsa Zidarova
2020-2020 Morphological mapping of areas along the southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast using unmanned aerial systems, Contract № ПМС 203/19.09.18, MES, Coordinator Dr. Bogdan Prodanov
2019-2021 Inventory of Late Antique and Medieval harbors along the Western Black Sea, Contract № КП-06-Austria, NSF, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Preslav Peev
2019-2021 Benthic marine Antarctic diatoms in contrasting conditions: possible climate induced changes in communities, Contract № 70.25-175/22.11.2019, National Centre of Polar Research, Coordinator Dr. Nina Dzhembekova
2018-2021 GEOHydrate – Geothermal Evolution of marine gas Hydrate deposits – Danube paleodelta, Black Sea, Contract № KP-06-OPR04/7, 18.12.2018, NSF, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Vasilev
2019-2020 Agreement between MOEW and IO-BAS for fulfillment of the obligations of IO-BAS, arising under art. 171, para 2, item 3 of the Water Act (WA) for implementation of the monitoring requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MFSD), Contract № Д-33-28/26.07.2019, MEW, Coordinator Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva

2019-2020 MASRI – Infrastructure for sustainable development of marine research including the participation of Bulgaria in the European infrastructure EURO-ARGO, Contract № Д01-326/18.12.2019, MES, Coordinator Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov
2019-2020 Spatial analysis of the present-day morphological and landscape pattern of the Bulgarian Black Sea coastal zone between Cape Sivriburun and Cape Emine, Contract № КП-06-МУ-24-1/2018, NSF, Coordinator Dr. Bogdan Prodanov
2019-2020 Application of remotely piloted aircraft systems for geomorphological mapping of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, Contract № ПМС 203/19.09.2018 МОН, Coordinator Dr. Bogdan Prodanov
2019 Digital terrain model and geomorphological analysis of the bottom relief of Varna-Beloslav lake complex, Contract № ПМС 203/19.09.18, MES, Coordinator Todor Lambev
2018-2019 Epilithic marine diatoms from the South Bay of Livingston Island: capabilities for bioindication using artificial substrates in climate change conditions, Contract № 80-10-239/31.08.2018, National Centre of Polar Research, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ralitsa Zidarova

2018-2019 MASRI – Infrastructure for sustainable development of marine research including the participation of Bulgaria in the European infrastructure EURO-ARGO, Contract № Д01-158128-08-2018, MES, Coordinator Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov
2018-2019 Stock assessment research on the sprat stocks and by-catch species by pelagic trawls survey in front of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, Contract № 162/28/05/2018 г., EAFA – Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov
2018-2019 Biological monitoring landings of commercially important species, Contract № 161/28/05/2018 г. EAFA – Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Yankova
2018-2019 Agreement between MOEW and IO-BAS for fulfillment of the obligations of IO-BAS, arising under art. 171, para 2, item 3 of the Water Act (WA) for implementation of the monitoring requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MFSD), Contract № Д-33-36/28.05.2018г, MEW, Coordinator Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva
2018 Agreement between BSBD and IO-BAS for fulfillment of the Monitoring Program for the marine environment in 2018 for implementation of the monitoring requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MFSD), Contract № 409/03.07.2018, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva
2017-2019 Seabed mapping of the southern Bulgarian Black Sea coastal zone for habitat classification, Contract № ДФНП-17-103/28.07.17, BAS, Coordinator Dr. Bogdan Prodanov
2017-2019 The influence of environmental condition of Varna and Burgas bays on population-biological parameters of Mullets species (Mugil cephalus, Liza aurata and Liza saliens), Contract № ДМ11-2/15.12.2017, NSF, Coordinator Dr. Radoslava Bekova
2017-2019 Digital model and parameterization of the South Bulgarian Black Sea shelf, Contract № ДФНП-17-67/28.07.17, BAS, Coordinator Todor Lambev
2017-2018 Agreement between MOEW and IO-BAS for fulfillment of the obligations of IO-BAS, arising under art. 171, para 2, item 3 of the Water Act (WA) for implementation of the monitoring requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MFSD), Contract № Д-33-28/31.07.2017, MEW, Coordinator Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva
2017-2018 Biological monitoring of landings of commercial fisheries for determination of length, weight and sex structure of sprat, anchovy, horse mackerel, red mullet, whiting and picked dogfish stocks, Contract № 55/29/09/2017, EAFA – Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov
2017-2018 Stock assessment research on the sprat stocks and by-catch species by pelagic trawls survey in front of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, Contract № 56/29.09.2017 EAFA – Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov

2016-2020 Phytoplankton cysts – an intricacy between a “memory” or a “potential” for Black sea biodiversity and algal blooms, Contract № ДН 01/8, , Call for fundamental scientific investigations-2016, National Science Fund (NSF), Coordinator Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva
2016-2017 Creation of integrated GIS geo-database of seabed data in front of the Avren coast, Contract № ДФНП-36/20, BAS, Coordinator Dr. Bogdan Prodanov
2016-2017 Stock assessment research on the sprat stocks and by-catch species by pelagic trawls survey in front of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, Contract № 57/29.09.2017 EAFA – Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov
2016-2017 Biological monitoring of landings of commercially important species –sprat, anchovy, horse mackerel, red mullet, whiting and picked dogfish, Contract № 58/27.06.2017, EAFA – Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov
2015-2018 Sea level fluctuation and human adaptation to environmental changes in the Black Sea region during the Holocene, Contract № 01/8/16.04.2015, NSF, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rayna Hristova
2015-2016 Research on biomass and distribution of the sprat and by catch species from Bulgarian Black Sea marine area; Biological monitoring of sprat, Contract № Д-94/18.11.2015, EAFA – Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov