International projects
– biodiversity conservation,
– water resource management,
– development of renewable energy sources,
– waste management.
Specialized training centers will provide modern resources and equipment for working with children, while international collaboration will support the exchange of knowledge and best practices among the partners.
At the heart of the project lies the ambition to build a generation with strong environmental awareness capable of contributing to sustainable development and tackling ecological challenges.
Partner Structure and Contributions
The project unites organizations from different countries in the Black Sea region, each bringing unique expertise and resources:
– DUTH (Democritus University of Thrace) contributes academic expertise in environmental sciences and education.
IO-BAS (Institute of Oceanology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) specializes in oceanology and marine research, which are essential for understanding marine ecosystems and the impact of human activities.
– IDEA Universal, a non-governmental organization, brings expertise in project management and community engagement.
– UABSC (Ukrainian Association of Support Centers) provides knowledge and networks in business development and investment promotion, which are crucial for successfully implementing sustainable initiatives.
The synergy among these partners ensures complementary competencies and effective achievement of the project’s goals, strengthening the connection between environmental education, STEM, and sustainable development in the region.
For more information, visit:

Exorcising the BLACK Sea’s Silent Killers – BlackNETs (BSB00164)
Human activities are significantly impacting the Black Sea’s marine ecosystems. One growing concern is the issue of abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG), often referred to as “ghost gear.” This gear continues to fish and trap marine life even after it’s been lost or discarded, posing a significant threat to biodiversity.
To address this issue, a comprehensive survey-based assessment will be conducted in four Black Sea countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Türkiye, and Georgia. The survey will target fishermen, crew members, port authorities, and professional divers, gathering crucial information about the occurrence, amounts, types, and trends of ALDFG in the region.
By engaging with those most familiar with the marine environment, this study will provide a clearer picture of the ghost gear problem in the Black Sea, ultimately supporting the development of effective management strategies to protect marine life and habitats.
The project partners are: NGO Mare Nostrum – coordinator, Karadeniz Technical University (Turkey), Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria), and Ilia State University (Georgia). Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov
More information about the project:

Initiating bottom-up management solutions to reduce plastic waste
in the Danube Basin – Aquatic Plastic (DRP0200235)
About 80% of all marine litter reaches the sea from land-based sources, transported by rivers, and the Danube River Basin is no exception. Plastics, which were once perceived as non-degradable, actually break down into microplastic particles when exposed to sunlight and fluctuating temperatures. This realization has prompted a heightened focus on addressing microplastic pollution in rivers.
The AQUATIC PLASTIC (AQPLA) project’s aim is to provide a thorough database and methodology to map riverine plastic waste, using artificial barriers, such as Hydroelectric Power Plants (HPPs) and remote sensing technologies as tools to measure, monitor and divert riverine plastic waste accumulations from nature to landfills or rather back in the loop.
More information about the project:

2021-2025 BRIDGE-BS – Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to Co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems, contract number 101000240 – H2020-BG-2018-2020, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kremena Stefanova

2021-2025 DOORS – Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea, contract number 101000518 – H2020-BG-2018-2020, Coordinator for IO-BAS eng. Violeta Slabakova

2020-2022 LitOUTer – Raising public awareness and reducing marine litter to protect the Black Sea ecosystem, EU – ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020, Project Number BSB785, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov

2020-2022 TID(Y)UP – F(ol)low the Plastic from source to the sea: Tisza-Danube integrated action plan to eliminate plastic pollution of rivers, INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov
S U R V E Y – National Legislative System on Surface Water Qualit – PDF file
Guide for waste and ecological footprint reduction – PDF file
2020-2023 Enhancing coastal management in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea by using nuclear analytical techniques, Contract № RER7015, International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA, Coordinator for IO-BAS Dr. Krasimira Slavova
2020-2021 FRESHER – European Researcher‘s Night, Contract № 954776, EC under HORIZON 2020 within Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions, Coordinator for IO-BAS Dr. Krasimira Slavova

2019-2021 CeNoBS – Support MSFD implementation in the Black Sea through establishing a regional monitoring system of cetaceans (D1) and noise monitoring (D11) for achieving GES, Contract № 110661/2018/794677/S, DG ENV.C2 MSFD 2018 call: “Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Second Cycle: Implementation оf the New GES Decision and Programmes of Measures”, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina Panayotova
2019-2022 Methane paradox in the Black Sea: the role of Picocyanobacteria for the aerobic production of methane, Bilateral cooperation agreement between BAS and CNR-Italy, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Snejana Moncheva

2019-2022 Black Sea CONNECT – Coordination of Marine and Maritime Research and Innovation in the Black Sea, Contract № 860055, HORISON 2020, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva
2019-2021 Mapping and monitoring of depositional areas along the North Bulgarian Black Sea coast using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Contract № КП-06-КОСТ-12, European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST and NSF), Coordinator Dr. Bogdan Prodanov
2019-2021 Black Sea Gas Volcanism, Решение на Ръководството на БАН № 4 от 04.02.2019, Bilateral cooperation between BAS – NAS Ukraine, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Vasilev

2019-2021 EuSeaMap 4 – A physical habitat map for European Seas, Contract № EASME/ĽMFF/2018/1.3., EASME, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Doncheva
2019 EMODNet 4 – European Marine Observation and Data Network 4, Lot 4 Chemical data, Coordinator for IO-BAS Ognyana Hristova
2019 Update of ESIA for 3D Marine Seismic acquisition survey including underwater noise impact assessment, Contract № CO-205/02.08.2019, Total E&P BulContractria B.V. – BulContractria, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Еng. Veselka Marinova-Stoyanova

2018-2020 BLACK SEA COLOR, BG2-03 Bio-optics for ocean color remote sensing of the Black Sea, Contract № 4000123951/18/NL/SC, Plan for European Cooperating States, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva

2018-2020 ANEMONE – Assessing the vulnerability of the Black Sea marine ecosystem to human pressures, Contract № 83530/20.07.2018, ENI CBC Joint Operational Programme BLACK SEA BASIN 2014-2020, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina Panayotova

2018-2019 EModNet Biology – European Marine Observation and Data Network- Thematic Lot n° V – BIOLOGY, Contract № EASME/EMFF/2016/006, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva
2018-2019 Enhancing coastal management in the Adriatic and the Black Sea by using nuclear analytical techniques, Contract № RER7009, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Coordinator for IO-BAS Dr. Krasimira Slavova

2018-2020 REFRESH – European Researcher‘s Night, Contract № 818879, EC HORIZON 2020 – Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions, Coordinator for IO-BAS Dr. Krasimira Slavova
2018-2021 CMEMS BS MFC – Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service, Black Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Center, Contract № 72-CMEMS-MFC-BS–N, Merkator Ocean – France, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov
2018 Technical and Scientific Support in relation to the Implementation of Regulation 1143/2014 on Invasive Alien Species, Contract №07.0202/2017/7634/31.01.2018, European Commission DG Environment, IUCN, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Todorova
2017-2019 RECFISH – Recovery of fisheries historical time series for the Mediterranean and Black Sea stock assessment EASME/EMFF/2016/ EASME/EMFF/2016/, Contract № EASME/EMFF/2016/032, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov

2017-2019 EuSeaMap3 – EMODNet Lot2 Seabed Habitats, Contract № EASME/EMFF/2016/1, European Commission, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Doncheva

2017-2019 EMODnet Geology – Operation, Development and Maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data network – Lot 1 – Geology, Contract № EASME/EMFF/2016/1.3., EASME, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Lyubomir Dimitrov
2017-2019 STREAM – Strengthening regional coordination in data collection for the Mediterranean and Black Sea, Contract № MARE/2016/22, DG MARE, EC, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov
2017-2019 Framework Contract for services to move towards good environmental status of the European marine waters by implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Contract № Env.C.2/FRA/2016/001, DG ENV: EU, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov

2017-2019 MELTEMI – Marine litter transnational Legislation Enhancement and Improvement, Contract № BMP1/23/2231/2017, Interreg-Balkan-Mediterranean – ERDF, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov

2017-2019 EMODnet HRSM – EMODnet High Resolution Seabed Mapping, Contract № EASME/EMFF/2015/1.3, EASME, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Lyubomir Dimitrov
2017-2018 Western Black Sea Underwater Cultural Tourist Routes, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Preslav Peev
2017-2019 EMODNet 3 – European Marine Observation and Data Network 3, Lot 4 Chemical data, Coordinator for IO-BAS, Ognyana Hristova
2017 AERONET – Contractlata AERONET-OC, Contract № Ares (2017) 297280-1, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov

2016-2020 SeaDataCloud – Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management, Contract № 730960-H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017/H2020-INFRAIA-2016-1, EC Directorate for Research & Innvation, Coordinator for IO-BAS Dr. Asen Stefanov
2016-2018 Picocyanobacteria in the deep Black Sea: misteries of a meromictic sea, Bilateral cooperation agreement between BAS and CNR-Italy, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva

2016-2017 FRESH – European Researcher‘s Night, Contract № 722790, European Commission HORIZON 2020 in the framework of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions, Coordinator for IO-BAS Dr. Krasimira Slavova
2016-2018 BS-MFC – Copernicus Marine Environment Service (CMEMS) Black Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Centre (BS-MFC), Contract № 24-BS-MFC, Merkator Ocean – France, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov
2016-2017 Preparation of Coastal & Marine Sensitivity Mapping Atlas focusing on the BulContractrian Black Sea coastal zone and the adjacent shallow marine sector, TOTAL E&P BulContractria B.V., Coordinator Prof. Dr. Veselin Peychev

2015-2019 MIGRATE – Marine Contracts hydrate – an indigenous resource of natural Contracts for Europe, COST Action ES1405, COST ACTION, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Vasilev
2015-2018 MARSPLAN-BS – Cross-Border Maritime Spatial Plan for the Black Sea – Romania, BulContractria, Contract № EASME/EMFF/2014/1.2., DG MARE EC, Coordinator Dr. Margarita Stancheva

2015-2019 EMODNet Ingestion – Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean and Marine Data Management – Ingestion and safe-keeping of marine data, Contract № 2015-, ЕС, Coordinator for IO-BAS Dr. Asen Stefanov

2015-2017 ESENIAS-TOOLS – East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species – A tool to support the management of alien species in Bulgaria, Contract № Д-33-51/30.06.2015, Financial mechanism of the European economic area 2009-2014 under the Program BG03 “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petya Ivanova
2015-2017 ISMEIMP – Investigations on the State of the Marine Environment and Improving Monitoring Programs developed under MSFD, Contract № BG02-0005, Program BG02: “Integrated management of sea and inland waters, Priority BG 02.02: ”Improved monitoring of sea waters”, Financial Mechanism of the European Area, Norwegian Financial Mechanism, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Todorova
2015-2017 MARLEN – Marine litter, euthrophication and noise assessment tools, Contract № Д-34-10/31.03.2015, MOEW, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov
2015-2019 JERICO-NEXT – Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories, Contract № 654410, H2020-EU., Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov

2015-2019 eLTER H2020 – Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem & Socio-Ecological Research Infrastructure, Contract № 654359, EC H2020 INFRAIA, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kremena Stefanova
2015-2018 BS-Checkpoint – Sea basin checkpoint LOT No: 4 – Black Sea, Contract № MARE/2014/09, DG MARE EC, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov
2015-2017 IМАМО – Improved marine waters monitoring, Contract № Д-34-10/31.03.2015, MOEW, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov
2015-2016 MARE/2014/19-SI2.70 – Strengthening regional cooperation in the area of fisheries data collection in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, Contract № MARE/2014/19 -SI2.705484, DG MARE, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov
2015-2018 CMEMS-INSTAC – Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service – In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre, Contract № 2015/2/2214609, Merkator Ocean – France, Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. eng. Veselka Marinova-Stoyanova
2015 Preparation of maps of the sensitivity of the Bulgarian coast to oil spills in the block “Khan Asparuh” in the Black Sea, Contract № TEPBG-XA-010, TOTAL E&P BULCONTRACTRIA B.V. – BulContractria Branch, Coordinator Dr. Hristo Stanchev
2014-2015 MyOcean Follow-On – Pre-operational marine service continuity in transition towards Copernicus, Contract № 633085, H2020-Adhoc-2014-20, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov
2014-2018 OPP – Oceans Past Platform, European Cooperation in Science and Technology COST, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Preslav Peev

2013-2017 RISC-KIT –Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts – toolKIT, Contract № 603458, FP7-ENV-2013, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Valchev

2013-2016 EUSeaMap2 – A physical habitat map for European Seas, Contract № SI2.657872, EASME, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Doncheva
2013-2016 Genetic Structure Analyses of Shared Turbot Stocks Along Turkish and Bulgarian Coasts in Connection with its Bilateral Sustainable Exploitation, Joint project between Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS) and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petya Ivanova

2013-2015 IRIS-SES – Integrated Regional monitoring Implementation Strategy in the South European Seas, Contract № 07.0335/2013/659540/, ЕC, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva

2013-2016 EMODNet Geology 2 – European Marine Observation and Data Network: Geology 2 , Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Lyubomir Dimitrov

2013-2016 EMODNet Bathymetry – European Marine Observation and Data Network: Bathymetry, Contract № MARE/2012/10, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Lyubomir Dimitrov

2013-2017 EUROFLEETS 2 – An alliance of European marine research infrustructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities, Contract № 312762, FP7-EC, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Eng. Atanas Palazov
2013-2015 MARE/2011/01 – Lot 2: Retrospective and prospective evaluation on the common fisheries policy, excluding its international dimension: Study in support of the review of the EU regime on the small-scale driftnet fisheries, Contract № 5, DG MARE, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violin Raykov

2012-2015 PERSEUS – Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern EUropean Seas, Contract № 287600, ЕC, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva

2012-2016 DEVOTES – DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status, Contract № 308392, ЕC, Coordinator for IO-BAS Prof. Dr. Snejana Moncheva

2012 – 2016 CoCoNet –Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas ( from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential, Contract №: 287844, FP7-KBBE, Coordinator for IO-BAS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Todorova